Submission Instructions:

The evaluation process will be conducted using an automatic grader that will test the submitted programs using a collection of test cases in a batch mode. The automatic grader will measure both the accuracy of the generated output and the execution time of the program.

Deadline: Participants should submit their programs by August, 1st 2013

Note: Each participant must be a member of ACM SIGSPATIAL. Information about membership is provided in
What to submit?
Each participant is expected to submit:

  1. A single .zip file that contains the original Source code and any dependencies. Please include a readme.txt file for any special instructions on how to compile the submitted code. Submission of the source code is mandatory to ensure originality of the submitted work.
  2. A single executable file named: “Geofence.exe”. The Geofence.exe accepts three command line parameters. The usage of the Geofence.exe program is as follows:
    Geofence < ”INSIDE”|”WITHIN n”> < PointInputFilePath > < PolygonInputFilePath > < OutputFilePath >
    • < PointInputFilePath >: Specifies the point data file. Each point data file is a single test case and contains a lot of point locations. The example format of the files can be found at Problem Definition section.
    • < PolygonInputFilePath > : Specifies the polygon file. Each polygon data file is a single test case and contains a series of polygons. The example format of the files can be found at Problem Definition section.
    • < OutputFilePath >: Specifies the result file where the program is expected to store the output. The example format of the output files can be also found at Problem Definition section.
How to evaluate?

The grading formula is best described by the following algorithm:
      For each result file Output_i.txt
           For each row in Output_i.txt
                If (< ID:Sequence::ID:Sequence > is correct)
                    Grade = Grade + 1;
                Else If (< ID:Sequence::ID:Sequence > is NOT correct){
                    Grade = Grade - 1;

      FinalGrade = Grade/ExecutionTime

In plain English, if the produced (point, polygon) pair matches the spatial predicate, the participant earns one point. If the (point, polygon) pair identified by the program does not match the spatial predicate, the one point is deducted from the participant. Finally, the grade is weighted by the total execution time of the program.
*Note: If the Grade is less than 90%, then we will not consider the program for the award. .  

All submissions must be compatible with the Microsoft Windows Operating System and will be evaluated using a 4-core (Intel Quad-Core, 64bit) machine running Microsoft Windows 7. Note that the amount of memory consumed by the submitted program should not exceed 1 GB.
How to submit?

Submissions must be uploaded through the contest submission site at: